Drive EV Adoption at your Dealership

Without the Delays and Make-Ready Costs

Dealerships play a crucial role in promoting EV adoption. Our battery-buffered DC fast chargers, enable dealers to deploy the infrastructure they need in a cost-effective and timely manner.

Challenges We Solve for Dealerships

Jule's CCS and CHAdeMO charging holsters

Make-Ready Costs

We help dealerships minimize make-ready infrastructure costs while still being able to provide industry leading charging speeds, helping dealerships minimize upfront investment.

Deployment Delays

Our solution can be deployed in as little as 3 months, ensuring that your dealership can get up and running with EV chargers to meet requirements. 

Jule's lighten up logo at the top of the chargers next to its lighting system.

Operational Utility Costs

Benefit from reduced energy expenses thanks to our energy storage solution, allowing you to maintain healthy profit margins while attracting potential customers at your dealerships. 

Dealerships we've worked with:

Partner with us to elevate your dealership’s EV charging capabilities. Let’s work together.

Electric vehicle parked at a Jule ev charging station.